piggy bank
Dreaming of selling pigs, get this dream five elements is gold and water, buy and sell the five elements of the main gold, the pig represents the five elements of the main water, the development of the cause of more, can get along with others, favorable to your life, gold and water, more than with the talent of the wind and water, autumn dream of auspicious, spring dream of inauspicious.
Student dream, the recent academic good, smart and clever generation, then the help of others, the promotion of noble people, academics can have a long term.The dream of a person who is pregnant with a child is a good dream.
People who are pregnant with a six-armed man got this dream, more than the main birth of a daughter, it is the gold and water white, winter dream is even more true.
This is a dream of a single woman who dreamed of giving birth to a daughter.
A single woman dreaming of selling a pig, is the recent cause of more than others to be induced by others, each other annoyance constantly, your life is not good, if the personal temperament and others entangled between the person, then the recent even more unsuccessful.
Married men dreaming of selling pigs, is the development of career and others between the sincere, only to be rewarded, and each other there are things in the heart of the matter, leading to your heart uneasy.Married men dream of selling pigs.
Single men dream of selling pigs, is a sign of financial ruin, around the villain quite a lot of signs, more by others to take advantage of the young people, the blood of the young people, the opposite of being seduced by others, to your life is not good.